NAME Joeri Vermeulen
ADDRESS Laarbeeklaan 121, 1090 Brussels, Belgium
TEL. +32 475 55 74 68
DATE OF BIRTH Herk de Stad, Belgium on 08/12/1967
ORCID 0000-0002-9568-3208
H-index 8
’20-‘21: Doctoral Programma of Social Health Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB)
’15: Evidence-Based Midwifery Practice MOOC University College Lillebaelt, Danmark
’97-’01: Master in medical and social sciences, University of Ghent, Belgium
’92-’94: Management training for head midwives, Training centre for nurses and midwives Brussels, Belgium
’86-’89: Midwife, Hoger Rijksinstituut voor Paramedische Beroepen Brussels, Belgium
’03-present: Head of the midwifery department Erasmus Brussels University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Brussels
’09-present: Guest lecturer ‘Evidence based practice’ in master ‘Research in Female Reproduction’ at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
’20-present: Researcher Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Research group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
’08-‘10: Assistant Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB)
’96-‘03: Lecturer in midwifery Erasmus Brussels University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Brussels
’89- ’97: Midwife delivery room University hospital Brussels
‘03-present Member Educational workgroup Vlaamse Beroepsorganisatie van Vroedvrouwen
‘04-present Member Planning committee for health professions in Belgium, Advisory board to the Minister of Health
‘03, ‘05, ‘15 Advisor ‘Professional profile of the Belgian Midwife’, Advisory board to the Minister of Health
‘07-2022 Board member European Midwives Association (secretary since 2010)
‘07-present Board member Belgian Midwives Association
‘14-present Validator of international diplomas at the National Academic Recognition Information Centre
’18-present Member of the Recognition Commission of Midwives
’17-present Reviewer for international peer-reviewed journals ‘Midwifery’ in 2017, 2018, ‘Sexual &Reproductive Healthcare’ in 2017, 2018, 2020, 2022 ‘Nursing Education in Practice’ in 2018, 2019, ‘European Journal of Midwifery’ in 2018, 2019, 2021, ‘International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences’ in 2021
’19-present Associate editor of the European Journal of Midwifery
’23-present Associate editor of Heliyon Women’s Health
– De Clercq G, Goelen G, Danschutter D, Vermeulen J, Huyghens L.,
Development of a nursing practice based competency model for the Flemish
master of nursing and obstetrics degree, Nurse Education Today, January 2011,
48-53, doi: 0.1016/j.nedt.2010.03.013
– Vermeulen J, Beeckman K, De Clercq G, Vandelannoote I, Gucciardo L,
Laubach M, Swinnen E, Inter-professional Perinatal Simulation training: A
valuable educational model to improve competencies amongst student midwives
in Brussels, Belgium, Midwifery, February 2016, 49–51,
– Vermeulen J, Swinnen E, D’haenens F, Buyl R, Beeckman K, Women’s
preferences and knowledge about the legal competences of midwives in Brussels,
Belgium. A descriptive observational study, Midwifery, September 2016, 177-186,
– Vermeulen J, Beeckman K, Turcksin R, Van Winkel L, Gucciardo L, Laubach M,
Peersman W, Swinnen E, The experiences of last-year student midwives with
High-Fidelity Perinatal Simulation training: A qualitative descriptive study,
Women and Birth, March 2017, 253-261, doi. 10.1016/j.wombi.2017.02.014
– Kokol P, Blažun Vošner H, Vermeulen J, Exploring an Unknown Territory:
“Sleeping Beauties” in the Nursing Research Literature, Nurs Res. Sept 2017,
359-367, doi. 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000238.
– Vermeulen J, Peersman W, Quadvlieg L, Fobelets M, De Clercq G, Swinnen E,
Beeckman K, Development and validation of the Midwife Profiling
Questionnaire assessing women’s preferred perinatal care professional and knowledge of midwives’ legal competences, Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, June 2018, (16):23–32, doi:10.1016/j.srhc.2018.01.003
– Vermeulen J, Luyben A, Jokinen M, Matintupa E, O’Connell R, Bick D, Establishing a Europe-wide foundation for high quality midwifery education: The role of the European Midwives Association (EMA), Midwifery, Sept 2018, 64:128-131, doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2018.06.009.
– Kokol P, Vošner HB, Završnik J, Vermeulen J, Shohieb S, Peinemann F, Serious game-based intervention for children with developmental disabilities, Current Pediatric Reviews, August 2019, doi: 10.2174/1573396315666190808115238.
– Vermeulen J, Peersman W, Waegemans M, De Clercq G, Gucciardo L, Laubach M, Swinnen E, Beeckman K, Buyl R, Fobelets M, Learning experiences of final-year student midwives in labor wards: A qualitative exploratory study, European Journal of Midwifery, August 2019, doi: 10.18332/ejm/111802
– Vermeulen J, Luyben A, O’Connell R, Gillen P, Escuriet R, Fleming V, Failure or progress?: The current state of the professionalisation of midwifery in Europe, European Journal of Midwifery, December 2019, doi: 10.18332/ejm/115038
– Vermeulen J, Jokinen M, The European Midwives Association call for action to protect our midwives in delivering best care amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, European Journal of Midwifery, April 2020, doi: 10.18332/ejm/120443
– Luyben A, Fleming V, Vermeulen J, Midwifery education in COVID-19- time: Challenges and opportunities. Midwifery, June 2020; doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2020.102776
– Luyben A, Fleming V, Vermeulen J, Midwives’ professional and personal experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: The set-up of the ‘CoroVie’ project. European Journal of Midwifery, June 2020; doi:10.18332/ejm/122694.
– Altınayak SÖ, Apay SE, Vermeulen J, The role of midwifery associations in the professional development of midwifery. European Journal of Midwifery, July 2020; doi:10.18332/ejm/122388.
– D’haenens F, Helsloot K, Lauwaert K, Agache L, Vandevelde G, De Frène V, Embo M, Vermeulen J, Beeckman K, Fobelets M, Towards an integrated perinatal care pathway for vulnerable mothers: The development and validation of quality indicators, Midwifery, July 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2020.102794.
– Vermeulen J, Luyben A, Buyl R, Debonnet S, Castiaux G, Niset A, Muyldermans J, Fleming V, Fobelets M, The state of professionalisation of midwifery in Belgium: A discussion paper, Women and Birth, September 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.wombi.2020.09.012
– Vermeulen J, Buyl R, D’haenens F, Swinnen E, Stas L, Gucciardo L, Fobelets M., Midwifery students’ satisfaction with perinatal simulation-based training, Women and Birth, December 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.wombi.2020.12.006
– Vermeulen J, Buyl R, D’haenens F, Demedts D, Tricas-Sauras S, Haddani I, Fobelets M, The development of the DDads questionnaire: awareness, knowledge and attitudes of the general population towards paternal depression, Frontiers in Psychiatry, January 2021, doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.561954
– Sharma A, Minh Duc N, Luu Lam Thang T, Nam N, Ng S, Abbas K, Huy N, Marušić A, Paul C, Kwok J, Karbwang J, de Waure C, Drummond F, Kizawa Y,
Taal E, Vermeulen J, Lee G, Gyedu A, To K, Verra M, Jacqz-Aigrain É, Leclercq W, Salminen S, Sherbourne C, Mintzes B, Lozano S, Tran U, Matsui M, Karamouzian M, A Consensus-Based Checklist for Reporting of Survey Studies (CROSS), Journal of General Internal Medicine, April 2021, doi: 10.1007/s11606-021-06737-1
– Vermeulen J, Vivilaki V, A value-based philosophy debate on academic midwifery education in Europe, European Journal of Midwifery, November 2021; doi: 10.18332/ejm/143528.
– Vermeulen J, Buyl R, Luyben A, Fleming V, Fobelets M, Defining midwifery autonomy in Belgium: Consensus of a modified Delphi study, Journal of Advanced Nursing, March 2022, doi: 10.1111/jan.15209
– Atchoumi A*, Vermeulen J*, Tsou E, Lemay C, de Labrusse C, Morin C, Meyer Y, French-speaking Africa and translation: From midwifery to maïeutique?, European Journal of Midwifery, May 2022, doi: 10.18332/ejm/146546
– Vermeulen J, Bilsen J, Buyl R, De Smedt D, Gucciardo L, Faron G, Fobelets M, Women’s experiences with being pregnant and becoming a new mother during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, June 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.srhc.2022.100728
– Vermeulen J, Bilsen J, Buyl R, De Smedt D, Gucciardo L, Faron G, Fobelets M, Response to the letter to the editor in response to “Women’s experiences with being pregnant and becoming a new mother during the COVID-19 pandemic”, Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, September 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.srhc.2022.100753
– Adamina M, Andreou A, Arezzo A, Christogiannis C, Di Lorenzo N, Gioumidou M, Glavind J, Lavazzo C, Mavridis D, Muysoms F, Preda D, Smart N, Syropoulou A, Tzanis A, Van de Velde M, Vermeulen J, Antoniou S, EAES rapid guideline: systematic review, meta-analysis, GRADE assessment, and evidence-informed European recommendations on appendicitis in pregnancy, Surgical Endoscopy, October 2022, doi: 10.1007/s00464-022-09625-9
– Mivšek AP, Vermeulen J, How do Slovenian women perceive midwifery competencies – pilot study using the Slovenian version of Midwifery Profiling Questionnaire (MidProQ), Midwifery, January 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2023.103601
– Stępień O, Dębska M, Klimanek J, Szlendak B, Vermeulen J, Bączek G, Motherhood during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland – qualitative studies, Quarterly Journal Fides et Ratio, March 2023, doi: 10.34766/fetr.v53i1.1092
– Vermeulen J, Buyl R, Luyben A, Fleming V, Fobelets M, Key maternity care stakeholders’ views on midwives’ professional autonomy, Healthcare, April 2023, doi: 10.3390/healthcare11091231
– Vermeulen J, Fobelets M, Fleming V, Luyben A, Buyl R, How do midwives view their professional autonomy, now and in future?, Healthcare, 2023, doi: 10.3390/healthcare11121800
– Delabrusse C, Lemay C, Morin C, Vermeulen J, Atchoumi A-H, Meyer Y, Réflexions et plaidoyer. De Midwifery à Maïeutique: Perte en traduction? In: Présence à l’international des sages-femmes de la Francophonie.
Communications des sages-femmes francophones au Congrès ICM 2021 Paris, France: L’Harmatan, December 2022, ISBN: 978-2-14-030978-6
– Vermeulen J, Luts E, Fobelets M, Male Experience(s). In: Geuens S, Mivšek P, Gianotten W (eds), Midwifery and Sexuality. Springer, Cham, March 2023, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-18432-1_22
– Geuens S, Vermeulen J, From Midwifery Competencies on Sexual Wellbeing to Teaching and Training Midwives on Sexuality. In: Geuens S, Mivšek P, Gianotten W. (eds), Midwifery and Sexuality. Springer, Cham, March 2023, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-18432-1_27
– Vermeulen J, Childbirth in Europe? Verloskunde in de EU: België [Childbirth in Europe? Midiwfery in the EU: Belgium], Tijdschrift voor Verloskundigen, KNOV, February 2012, 61-62
– Vermeulen J and Jokinen M, Investing in the future, Pan European Networks-Government, May 2015, vol 14, 60-62
– Vermeulen J, Swinnen E, D’haenens F, Buyl R, Beeckman K, Welk type zorgverlener verkiezen Brusselse vrouwen bij een ongecompliceerde arbeid en bevalling en wat is hun kennis betreffende de wettelijke bevoegdheden van de vroedvrouw? [Women’s preferences and knowledge about the legal competences of midwives in Brussels, Belgium], VBOV Tijdschrift voor Vroedvrouwen, February 2017, 5-18
– Vermeulen J, Midwifery education for the 21st century – innovations in education, practice and regulation, VBOV Tijdschrift voor Vroedvrouwen, February, 2017, 39-40
– Vermeulen J, Beeckman K, Turcksin R, Van Winkel L, Gucciardo L, Laubach M, Fobelets M, Peersman W, Swinnen E, De ervaringen van laatstejaarsstudenten vroedkunde met Perinatale Simulatietrainingen met een hoog realiteitsgehalte. Een kwalitatief onderzoek. [The experiences of last-year student midwives with High-Fidelity Perinatal Simulation training: A qualitative descriptive study], VBOV Tijdschrift voor Vroedvrouwen, September-October 2017, 282-293
– Belpaire J and Vermeulen J, Préférences et connaissances des femmes sur les compétences légales des sages-femmes à Bruxelles, Belgique. Une étude d’observation descriptive.[Women’s preferences and knowledge about the legal competences of midwives in Brussels, Belgium. A descriptive observational study], Actualités Sage-femme, July 2018
– Vermeulen J, Stark und geeint: die Hebammen in Europa [Strong and united: the midwife in Europe], Obstetrica, December 2018, 12-15
– Vermeulen J and Van Holsbeeck A, Het belang van een sterk en verenigd Europees vroedvrouwennetwerk. De rol van de European Midwives Association [The importance of a strong and united midwifery network. The role of the European Midwives Association], VBOV Tijdschrift voor vroedvrouwen, December 2019, 383-385
– Vermeulen J, Peersman W, Waegemans M, De Clercq G, Gucciardo L, Laubach M, Swinnen E, Beeckman K, Buyl R, Fobelets M, De leerervaringen van laatstejaarsstudent vroedvrouwen op verloskamers: een kwalitatieve, exploratieve studie [Learning experiences of final-year student midwives in labor wards: A qualitative exploratory study], VBOV Tijdschrift voor vroedvrouwen, February 2021, 33-41
– D’haenens F, Helsloot K, Lauwaert K, Agache L, Vandevelde G, De Frène V, Embo M, Vermeulen J, Beeckman K, Fobelets M, Naar een geïntegreerd perinataal zorgpad voor kwetsbare vrouwen: ontwikkeling en validatie van kwaliteitsindicatoren [Towards an integrated perinatal care pathway for vulnerable mothers: The development and validation of quality indicators], VBOV Tijdschrift voor vroedvrouwen, January 2022, 36-44
– Vermeulen J, Betrachtungen zur akademischen Hebammenausbildung in Europa [Reflections on academic midwifery education in Europe], Hebamme, February 2022, 40-45, doi: 10.1055/a-1710-7002
_ Vermeulen J, Buyl R, Luyben A, Fleming V, Fobelets M, De definiëring van autonomie in de vroedvrouwenzorg in België: een Delphi-onderzoek met inhoudsexperten [Defining midwifery autonomy in Belgium: a Delphi study with content experts], VBOV Tijdschrift voor vroedvrouwen, May 2022, 161-168
– Vermeulen J, Buyl R, Luyben A, Fleming V, Fobelets M, La définition de l’autonomie dans les activités de la sage-femme en Belgique: une étude Delphi modifiée avec des experts [Defining midwifery autonomy in Belgium: a Delphi study with content experts], Actualités Sage-femme, November 2022, 42
– Vermeulen J, Buyl R, Luyben A, Fleming V, Fobelets M, De opinies van stakeholders in de verloskunde over de professionele autonomie van vroedvrouwen [Key maternity care stakeholders’ views on midwives’ professional autonomy], VBOV Tijdschrift voor vroedvrouwen, June 2023, 157-170
– Vermeulen J, Vandelannoote I, Fobelets M, De Clercq G, Beeckman K , An integrative educational model aiming to improve student midwives’ readiness for practice in Brussels, Belgium. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, March 2019, 234:e40, doi:10.1016/j.ejogrb.2018.08.242