Male fertility evaluation following empirical treatment with tamoxiphen citrate and testosterone undecanoate, in men with idiopathic oligo- astheno- terato- zoospermia.
Objective: In this retrospective analysis, we aimed to evaluate and compare pre- and post-treatment sperm parameters in men with idiopathic subfertility subscribed with a combination of tamoxiphen citrate and testosterone undecanoate, according to both 1999 and 2010 World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Materials and Methods: The study included 28 participants, comprising of male patients with idiopathic subfertility and a mean age of 36.6 years. Results: According to the 1999 WHO criteria, the sum of the participants were classified as subfertile and none of the patients demonstrated the desired improvement to overcome the designated threshold values following treatment. According to the updated 2010 criteria, 89.3% of the cohort was classified as subfertile, demonstrating an improvement of 14.3% following treatment, while the remaining 10.7% of the participants classified as fertile, exhibited a significant improvement in their sperm parameters (120%). Overall, the empirical treatment resulted in the improvement in the sum of sperm parameter values in 58.9% of the cohort recruited. Conclusion: Our results provide preliminary evidence supporting the hypothesis that empirical treatment demonstrated encouraging results in men with idiopathic infertility and borderline sperm parameters. Further research is required with the recruitment of an appropriate sized cohort and direct comparisons to be performed with alternative pharmaceutical treatments.